Motivational tip: changing your parameters

Running motivation

Lately I've been struggling with my runs.

I'm having trouble getting myself out the door. And running feels like yet another chore. Something I have to get done. But it's no fun at all. And quite frankly my dear, I don't feel like it. If it wasn't for knowing skipping a run will make me feel worse, I'ld stay home.

New playlist

One of the things that normally helps me stay motivated is renewing my playlist. Getting some new songs on my smarthpone to listen to.

But this morning I still hadn't done that, and I felt tired and drained. I knew I had to run 5 miles. But dreaded the distance. It seemed so far. And like such an effort.

Thinking in time instead of distance

Then I had an idea. I decided to think of it in a different way. Instead of having to run for 5 miles, I'ld think about running for about an hour. Because yes, that's how 'fast' I am. An hour of my time sounded way more do-able than 5 miles.
And it really helped me. Every time I started to think: 'This is soooo far,' I told myself: 'What's another 40 minutes!'

Summing up

This discovery has surprised me. But for me, it really helps to use another parameter when it comes to running.

What gets you through the tough times?

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CP Rider said...

Hi Mom, I've been training for a half this winter, and because it has been so snowy, I've been taking my training plan and converting my planned run into the number of minutes it *should* take me, and just running that long. My runs through the snow have been at least 15% slower and probably 20% harder so I believe I'm actually getting more exercise with less miles. Going for time has been a great modification for the winter running season. Nice to hear someone else backs up my 'theory".

Unknown said...

This is a great post as while I am not a runner, I can see where I could adapt this to different aspects of my own life. For example, tasks that I have to do at work or cleaning at home. Thanks for the helpful information!

Reidland Family said...

I agree. This is a tip that can apply to other areas, as well.

Dee | said...

Playlists are very motivational if you have the right songs, classic rock for me. Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 9, open February 1 to 26.

Christie Hawkes said...

Hello! I can definitely relate to this way of thinking. I typically run in three-mile stretches, but once a year I train for a 10K or a half-marathon. There are times when I actually feel anxious about a longer run. I soothe myself by saying an hour from now, I'll be home, stretching and feeling proud. It really does help. I found your blog on the Blogger's Pit Stop and look forward to getting to know you. Happy running!


Susan Jackson said...

Wow coming over from the gathering of friends party and this post was right on time for me. I love that idea! I will share this! Thank you!

Kathleen said...

I am pleased to say that our Julie has chosen your motivational post to be featured next Blogger's Pit Stop.

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