Running list for Christmas: Christmas music to run to!

christmas playlist for runners
Not all Christmasat songs are romantic whispers and soft voiced ballads. There are some that are great to run to!

So here's a list of 5 great Christas songs you can add to your running playlist.

1. Grandma got run over by a Reindeer

2. All I want for Christmas

3. Santa looked a lot like daddy!

4. Run Rudolph, run!

5. Slade Merry Christmas

What's your favorite Christmas song to run to?

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Michele Morin said...

What a great assortment!

Dawn Hart said...

Some great tunes although I'm not a runner these days xxx

PaulaShort said...

I Love these songs. Thanks bunches for sharing these with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.
Merry Christmas dear friend.

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