Running is a mom's best friend


One of the most important reasons for me to run is the way it makes me feel.

Although motherhood comes with its own rewards, the end result, a well adjusted adult, will only be visible eighteen years down the line.

That's a lot of time...

You have to invest

Just like it's impossible to run the New York Marathon on a day's notice, it's equally impossible to pick the fruits of your work as a mom on a day's notice. Both endeavors require a long time investment. And did I mention you have to invest?

Running offers instant gratification

So on the days when the children behave like, well little children, and I'm wondering if I'm doing a good enough job, when the current results are disappointing and the future is uncertain, running gives me instant gratification and a reward for a run well run.

I am running hear me roar!

While I'm running I think to myself: 'See me run! While other people are sitting at home, I'm running. I'm doing it! I'm interesting, I'm hanging in there, even though I would like to sit down, I don't.'

For a few moments I'm not a struggling mom, I'm a runner. And when I get home, I'm pleasantly tired and I know who I am again. I no longer feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog day.

Running is like a friend, who's alway there for me. I only have to go see him!

1 comment

Roseann Hampton said...

While walking is more my thing, I admire people who run on a daily basis! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life

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