Finding the time to run isn't easy + Linky!

Mom, trying to squeeze in a run!

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Keith's Ramblings said...

Rather them than me!

DisneyBride2008 said...

This is just like our house! It's impossible!!!

NanaHood said...

Great picture and my house is still that way, only now it's the grandchildren who do it! Teresa from

Anonymous said...

Exactly how it is in our house today =P

csuhpat1 said...

LOL, sorry I have to laugh.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Great photo!

Here's my Wordless Wednesday.

Linda B said...

The real thing - are you trying to run outside of the house? LOL

Cascia Talbert said...

That looks familiar! Have a terrific day.

Ascending Butterfly said...

I can barely get in a walk lately let alone a run! Great photo! Visiting from the WW hop, Happy New Year and Happy WW!

Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

Quirky Homemaker said...

Wow! LOL I need to make time between cleaning toilets today, too! We probably get enough exercise chasing after our kids and cleaning up their messes! Great pic!

DebC said...

Perfect capture of a typical family morning :)

Mystery Case said...

I'm trying to attempt running this year. I'm rather unfit after a year off most exercise due to health issues, so just doing small bursts each second day and increasing my walk speed and distance each day. Finding the time is the hardest part.

Ms POSH said...

That sure brings back a few memories :) POSH

Unknown said...

LOL, this shot is insane! :)
Best wishes for 2015!

Anonymous said...

Good post, running and jogging is the key to stay fit and healthy.

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