Characteristics of runners

I've been doing some heavy reading because boy the Lore of Running weighs about a ton! And I read about the characteristics of 'those who stick to a running program'. I have to say, it's quite flattering!

Characteristics of people who stick with the (running) programme

  • They've previously exhibited self-efficacy and perseverance

  • They're mentally healthy

  • They tend to succeed in whatever they put their minds to

I've been a runner for eleven years now, and I'm going to take this personally!

So thank you Tim Noakes!

What do yóu think are characteristics of runners? Good ánd bad?


onelittlejill said...

I believe all three of these!

I also think runners are a little Type A. I think you have to be. I know I am!

(Found you through MCM :) )

nicoleao said...

I'm glad you found me!

I think you're right about the Type A personality. I certainly have a bit of that in me.

Amanda said...

Ah, yes. I have this book. I should take it down of my shelf and blow the dust off. :)

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