Now that we have bid our practical town house farewell, and exchanged it for a farmhouse in the country, I am no longer in the position to do the school run by walking. My logistical house of cards has crumbled!
The new school is a two mile walk, which takes too long, so we ride our bikes to school. And since january the 9th, the first day at the new school, we've encountered all kinds of weather. I remember especially the pouring rain that changed the nostalgic country roads into swirling pools of mud. I have never had to work so hard to stay on a bike!
All that hard work reminded me of the most ridiculous sport I know: spinning. I love the part in the Bridget Jones' movie where Rene Zellwegger stumbles off her bike, and immediately falls down. The same thing happened to me when I took my first, and last, spinning class.
When you compare it to spinning, biking along a muddy dirt path doesn't seem so bad. At least I'm getting somewhere! Besides, it's a great opportunity to bond with the kids, and build their characters. Biking through the mud requires effort and determination!
Do you do cross training?
If so, what kind?
Enjoy this fragment from Bridget Jones
Cross training against the muddy odds

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I don't have a car and my son's school is 5 miles away, so I take him by cargo bike. I'm looking forward to spring as we've had cold winds, heavy rains and odd days of snow since school re-started after Christmas. But the cargo bike gives me us a chance to talk as we're cycling along.
That's a funny image. PS. I love this movie. It is one of my girlie movies I pull out every once in a while to watch. It always makes me feel good! I like your running motivation. I did my first 5k last year and am thinking of doing it again this year and trying for a better time. Not sure though since running seems to get the best of me! First time to your blog I wanted to let you know and I have added you so I will be back!
My site is (pop by if you have time)
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