I wanna run over the hill and far away...

Yep, it's Summer vacation alright. Why can't my children be like the Teletubbies? Always getting along and hugging each other, instead of bashing each other's head in because: 'She looked at me funny mommy!'

Wordless Wednesday


Carrie said...

lol, No kidding! Happy WW!

BK said...

Children! I used to have little fights with my siblings too when I was young. But we always got over the fights easily. :)

Run DMT said...

BIG HUUUUUUG!!! lol Maybe they just need a little tubby custard? ;-)

Naomi said...

because if life were like that you wouldn't need wine ;-)

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Hopefully they speak words instead of babble-talk like the Teletubbies though. You can hold onto that in the tough moments.

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