As a mom I sometimes feel like Sisyphus, who as a punishment from the Gods, had to push a big boulder up a steep hill. Every time he thought he'd succeeded it rolled back down again.
Doing laundry, the dishes, cleaning the house, they are my boulder.
But as a runner I've learned it's not about finishing: it's about the process. About the road you run.
Like Sisyphus, a mom and a runner are never finished.
And if you can enjoy your journey, that's actually quite great!
For more Wordless Wednesday go here
Very insightful words to live and learn on.
very inspiring!
I know the feeling of never being done!
What a great message. I hear you on the ongoing hill, of laundry, dishes, household chores.
I couldn't agree more!!
What a wonderful post and so true!
Thanks for this inspiring post - well put, and so true!
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