'And then you can run back the other way,' hubby suggested from the couch, 'so you can make your Sunday 16 kilometers!'
So, after polishing off our ice cream and a cup of coffee, I decided to follow hubby's advice and go back the other way, so as not to get bored by running the same old bike path.
Within minutes I had absolutely no idea where we were, feeling like little Hansel and Gretel, but without the bread crumbs to get me home. I cursed myself for not bringing a compass, but then I remembered I'm about as good with compasses as with finding my way. Besides: I don't own a compass, but I digress.
'Isn't this exciting Teuntje?!' I said encouragingly, as much to Teuntje as to myself. 'Quite the little adventure, isn't it?'
'Shouldn't we just go back mommy?' she replied in stern tones.
But I despise 'going back'. It's way too much 'Been there, done that, got the t-shirt'. So I firmly said 'No!' and added with more stubborness than whisdom: 'Mommy will find her way soon!'
Indeed! After about half an hour of being throughly lost I saw something familiar: Zelhem!
It turned out I was going the right way all along, but because I began to doubt myself I'd accidentally run in the direction of Zelhem again, running in a loop.
Which just goes to show: you should have confidence in yourself or you'll go loopy!
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